What is your next career step?

Career coaching helps you to make and implement career decisions. The coaching process is designed based on your needs including various insight tasks, exercises and structured coaching discussions.

You may need career coaching if:

You want to define your suitability for a specific area, management level or position.

You want to advance your career and therefore need insight into the suitability of the chosen area.

You feel the need to be more successful and efficient in your current position or area.

You are facing work / life changes (such as redundancies).

What do you get from it?

Your career goals and prospects become more concrete.

Your professional confidence will increase, and your self-perception will become more adequate.

Your ability to identify alternative courses of action will increase.

You become aware of personal development needs and corresponding development methods.

Leaving a particular organization and finding new opportunities becomes more painless.

This is a paid service, the price of 1 meeting is 180 euros (including VAT).

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